Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Winter's embrace.
She doesn't care,
Like old, witch grandmother,
Uncomfortable, overstays welcome.
Anticipating her death.

The Least Important Part

Not knowing the magic words
That make her face light up,
Just like the microwave we'd watch,
Eagerly awaiting the popcorn we'd devour
To our once favorite movies
That we never watched.

There's chances given
To hopeless situations.
Then there's pulling the plug
On functioning lamps.
Blacking out rooms,
With shadows glued on the walls.

This love will never be convenient,
But neither are the broken appliances
Slug over the sweetest shoulder
That my affection grew.

If you're tossing this lamp,
I only ask you check the bulb.
I'm light,
And my shade is worth the time.

Friday, January 17, 2014


Today I fumbled with my words
when asked about my day,
from a kind old lady
who all I could think of
was how her life is withering away
talking in vain to a product
of a world astray.
Before the humbling wrinkles
on her face could gasp "okay",
she grabbed my throat
and ended the charade.

Saturday, January 11, 2014


Ashtray inspiration
drug induced sanity
keeps the wolves at bay
sniffing for any trace
of life inside this sock drawer

Pack me
Hit me
Smoke me
Then Unceremoniously flick me
With the rest of the roadkill

I can't promise you
Fine teeth
or Fits of rage
I'll be your crutch
Inhale/Exhale reflex
the Worst Addiction

Let me be your habit
I can contain
Refrain you
From your worst mistakes
The dirtiest oxygen
You'll ever breathe