Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Least Important Part

Not knowing the magic words
That make her face light up,
Just like the microwave we'd watch,
Eagerly awaiting the popcorn we'd devour
To our once favorite movies
That we never watched.

There's chances given
To hopeless situations.
Then there's pulling the plug
On functioning lamps.
Blacking out rooms,
With shadows glued on the walls.

This love will never be convenient,
But neither are the broken appliances
Slug over the sweetest shoulder
That my affection grew.

If you're tossing this lamp,
I only ask you check the bulb.
I'm light,
And my shade is worth the time.


  1. I never noticed our favorite line tucked away in this one

  2. Your poem affected life?! Yes, you can share your lovely poem and its great "after story" with the world... Submit now on LifePoemsProject.com
