Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Ritualized Disorientation

It was when I traded the
pen for the drug that
I lost my mind.

The debilitating buzz.

Slurring poorly written slam
to an audience of a complacent cat.
My dog died...
(he was a better listener.)

Sometimes I'm bold and proud,
the rest of my hours are spent 
cruelly staring at a genius
that'll never materialize. 

Fraternize with the enemy.
Maybe choke down a cat call, 
a copper brew, a smile to say
I'm prone to poor decisions. 

Attention comes at a price 
we're all paying. A dilemma 
we often ignore, but 
I need this more than
you ever care to know. 

Acknowledge me, 
Cater to these 
intoxicating fetishes. 
Habits, demons drowning 
out the cries of nature's better angels. 

I, a casualty in an unholy war. 
Alas, the angel before me now 
fills my glass, and again...