Thursday, February 20, 2014

Happy Birthday, Kurt!

I can honestly say that Kurt Cobain is the most influential man in my life. It's time to let you guys know that I am unoriginal and everything I've ever said or done is just derived from something Kurt said or did. The last chorus of "Where Did You Sleep Last Night?" gives me chills every damn time I hear it. 

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Live From Detroit

Lords of punk rock.
Fathers of rebellion.
Conscious of syringe
affliction. Noisy
dickhead posture.

The charade is
likely tiring;
Purple hair,
Purple coats,
Purple chords.

Mini-van for hire
to chauffeur ambition
of young-old formula,
sold to commodity
consumers in suburb
mall Americaland.


It's funny how
everything works out.

Heroes die young,
or they become the
same old crack
in the shattered mirror.

The one you picked
up the pieces for.
The one you cut
your wrists for.

Culture left you
blue in face,
red in wrists,
with fingerprints
where contention held.

Punk rock:
all the filthy,
dead children
inspired by black/white
to be expression
in their purest form.

You are the howl.
Still piercing in a
dark, dilapidated
basement, existing
in disembodied fury.

You are the trauma.
Shattering the bones
we'd use like toothpicks
to dislodge echos
from our teeth.

You are the dissonance.
The inhumane growl
erupting between
sound and silence.

You are the sound.
You are the silence.
You are the color.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Shorts (1)

How is it
God's gift to writing
can't even be bothered
to show up to church
on a Sunday?

Profound thoughts
come and go.
Some weren't meant
to put in prose nature-
but the nature of themselves.
Heavy-handed and bored-
I went outside today.

Monday, February 3, 2014


Let loose leverage's noose,
give way to kinder embrace.
Youth exuberance
unfit to grow in hangman's tow.
Run to gentler homes - play.
No concern to
Hangman's forceful decay.
Ignore black, putrid mold,
growing on walls, ceiling.
Don't inhale oxygen,
heavy with regret.
In time inevitability's touch,
grabbing softly and warm,
father, brother,
indifference sweet sisters.
Love all the same.

Sunday, February 2, 2014